Next-Day Inc.
What exactly is the digital management simulation “Next-Day Inc.”?
- it is a digital exercise for your personnel development or your recruitment process
- the exercise is a realistic office workplace simulation of a management function during 50 minutes
- the candidate has to take various decisions, analyse information, assess risks and plan tasks

Target groups
The management simulation is particularly suitable for three main target groups:
- Young “high potentials”: in this group, two different aspects of the simulation are in the focus. One the one hand, the simulation shows to what extent the participant can quickly and correctly process complex information and on the other hand, the simulation reveals how far the understanding of a leadership or management role is already present and independent decisions are made. Approximately 39% of the individuals from the norm sample can be assigned to this group.
- Managers with first leadership experience: for managers with first management experience, the simulation can be used for a strengths / weaknesses analysis as an important basis for further development or for possible support of a career decision. Approximately 40% of the individuals from the norm sample can be assigned to this group.
- Experienced managers up to C-level: from the persons in this this group you would expect that these individuals achieve above-average results. In fact, the individuals in the norm sample with management experience achieve on average better results than those without management experience. Approximately 21% of the persons from the norm sample can be assigned to this group.
- modern
- reliable
- scientific
- secure
“Next-Day Inc.” is designed in a modern style and is fully personalized, the candidate is addressed directly with his/her name. Different mails, letters and voice messages arrive dynamically in the digital mailbox, the simulation “reacts” to the answers of the participants.
It offers high validity due to the standardized evaluation, which compares the participant with the norm group (1.264 professionals and managers between 23 and 61). Of the participants in the norm group, 61% stated that they currently have a role with leadership responsibility.
Application areas
The online-exercise may be used very well as complementary exercise in any assessment method. It is suitable for development- and assessment centers and similarly, it is a useful tool in recruitment procedures. It’s a helpful complementary element to verify the findings of interview, case studies, presentations, simulations or psychometric tests.
The online management simulation “Next-Day Inc.” is charged on a “on demand” price per execution, you pay no license costs, just the number of executions of the test you need. When ordering, you will receive a login for a coordinator account, where you will be able to manage your exercises. Your executions can be called off within 24 months.
One execution includes using a one-time acces-code for a participant, generating the summary-report and sending the report as PDF-file to the coordinator.
- trial-execution: free of charge – for companies only! (get your free-of-charge trial access-code here)
- 1 execution : 86,- EUR
- package with 10 executions: 80,- EUR (per participant)
- package with 20 executions: 75,- EUR (per participant)
- package with 50 executions: 70,- EUR (per participant)
- package with 100 executions: 65,- EUR (per participant)